Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Why I love Walgreens is twofold -

  1. They never close. I can get a perscription filled at 3am if I want to. On Christmas.

  2. They have their own brand of every medication available and they all have a Walgreens spin on the normal name. For example:

Claritin becomes Wal-atin

Aleve becomes Wal-eve

Airborne becomes Wal-borne

Sudafed becomes Wal-fed

Ibuprofen becomes Wal-profen

Benadryl becomes Wal-dryl

Robitussin becomes Wal-itussin

Zyrtec becomes Wal-zyr (that one's kind of tricky, they mixed it up a bit.)

Etc. Some of the Walgreen brand medications have boring names like "Walgreens Extra Strength Acetomeniphen." I think they should stick with their creative re-naming scheme and go with wal-omeniphen or something.


KJW said...

Please find Wal-den. Thank you.

D.I. Zzo said...

I don't get Kelly's comment.

and now I have to type "iwvro" to leave this comment. boo.

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