Sunday, May 11, 2008

Funny Product Warning Labels

I was came across this while I was looking for something else, but it is awesome, so I'm glad I did. Here are some of the highlights

  1. Hair Coloring Do not use as an ice cream topping

  2. Mattress Warning: Do not attempt to swallow

  3. Air Conditioner Caution: Avoid dropping air conditioners out of windows.

  4. Blanket from Taiwan Not to be used as protection from a tornado

  5. Infant's bathtub Do not throw baby out with bath water.

  6. 13-inch wheel on a wheelbarrow Not intended for highway use

  7. Package of Fisherman's Friend throat lozenges Not meant as substitute for human companionship.

I think #6 is my favorite. No, they're all my favorite.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

The sad thing is, you know that some of those warnings are on there because someone out there tried to something weird. Someone out there TRIED to eat a mattress - thus the warning.