I was all sweaty when I woke up and mad about guns.
Also, when I searched for an image of a gun, this was across the top:
Did you mean: n-2848330477_q-BdxQRHJ7SAiBHlfMgYU9cQAAAA@@?
What? Literally, all I typed in was "gun." Usually is like if I typed in "Raden" they might say "Did you mean radeon?" or something that is a recognizable word. Is that code searched very often?
I am at work early today and that means that I win for best employee.
Oh my gosh, I have not yet mentioned on my blog that I am an Americorps VISTA. It's pretty much the most important fact about my life. I need an American Flag up in here: Excellent. Every time Lynn or I see a flag, we salute. We have to. I mean, no one told us we have to, but we just kind of know it's one of the unspoken rules. So we frequently salute, because there are a lot of American flags in America.
I thank everyone for the incredibly positive feedback I've been getting about my blog. I mean, I expected compliments, obviously, but the response has been even more overwhelmingly joyful than I had anticipated. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I googled that long code thing, and nothing popped up. I googled "gun", and gun stuff popped off.
I strongly believe you are a fool.
this is the best, most original, insightful, brilliant, well written, fun blogspot I have ever seen and trust me I have seen most of the blogs on the internet. I wish I was your mother.
"Anonalulu"... HAHAHAHAHAHA
Great post! I really enjoyed reading your insights on getsomeguns. I think it aligns well with the ideas you've presented here.
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