My brother was in an all-male pageant. Ashley, Carolyn and I went down to Puyallup last Tuesday. Here we are in the car. I had a very un-photogenic day, so don't judge.
Also, I am very beautiful all of the time.

We stopped at IKEA! Ashley had never been there. We bought cookies and picture frames. Carolyn and Ashley each made several inappropriate jokes. They usually do. Also, I looked at couches. Yay couches!

HAHAHAHAHA. Here is Ashley. She fell asleep in the car. Snoozersons. I couldn't fall asleep because I was the in the passenger seat and it is the responsibility of the person in the passenger seat to entertain the driver. So I did. We played would you rather.

Ryan was competing for the title of Mr. Rogers at Rogers High School. The three components of the competition were: Talent, the Catwalk, and Question and Answer. For Talent, Ryan chose to sing A Whole New World (both male and female parts). He also had backup dancers. Here is Lulu helping the Sultan get ready.

And here is the performing crew. Ryan is the one in the purple vest on the top right.
Hopefully I will be able to post a video on here soon. But if you weren't there, you should cry because you missed the best thing I have ever, ever seen. Ever in my entire life.

1 comment:
Did he win though?
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