Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Reasons I (and my blog) rule over Kelly

  1. My blog is more pleasing to the eye
  2. I am smarter, faster, and stronger
  3. I am an Americorps and Kelly is not - i.e. I am serving AMERICA, and Kelly is not.
  4. My handwriting is bigger.
  5. I am older
  6. I have a stuffed bear that could beat up her stuffed panther
  7. My blog received 10 out of 10 stars on a recent poll
  8. I am more humble
  9. I have gone on more blind dates than Kelly has
  10. My family has been on national television, and their reality show episode was NUMBER ONE.
  11. My cat is cuter than her cat

And there you have it. Undeniable proof that I rule over Kelly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, you might be more humble, but I'm a bit skeptical about your bear beating up his panther. This I gotta see.