Friday, May 23, 2008

Things I'm going to buy now that I'm a cat owner

  • A new cat necklace to don so people know when I am not WITH Ricky that I have a cat.

  • A shirt to go with my cat necklace, just in case people aren't standing close enough to me to realize that my necklace has three cats hanging off of it. They will be able to see my awesome tye-dye t-shirt from further away.

    While at home, it is useful to have a place to put my glasses that displays them AND makes a statement about what I love - cats.

    And finally, I thought it would be best to display this on my front door.


KJW said...

And this awesome DVD, right?
This one here?

Anonymous said...

slow down. You aren't old enough to be the crazy cat lady yet.

Anonymous said...

Dear Nicole,
you unfortunately forgot the most important thing of all: