Name: Ricky Martin Van Buren Raden
Age: 2 years
Relationship to me: First cat of my own ownership!
Where he lived previously: In some lame-o home where the owner had health problems and couldn't take care of him. So his previous family gave him up to the Humane Society
How I found him: So I've wanted a pet ever since I moved to college but I didn't want to get one until I knew I could take good care of it. Lately I've felt like I reached that milestone in life. So, I started talking to my friends about what pet I should get a few weeks ago.
I was pretty sure I wanted a dog. A smallish dog like a Bichon Frise or a Havanese. But I found out they would be pretty complicated to take care of, and so my mom encouraged me to get a cat. I didn't really want a cat.
If I did get a cat, I wanted to get a female cat. But I didn't really want a cat.
So I went to the Humane Society and Ricky meowed and I got a male cat.
Fame: Ricky was the KAFE 104.3 Pet of the Week the week before I adopted him! He was on the radio! HE IS FAMOUS!
- Water in cups
- Tipping cups that have water in them over
- Super-snugging (snugging that involves pushing his fuzzy face up against your face and purring loudly, and then plopping his 13 pound cat body down on your chest and continuing the face snug)
- Sitting in small, enclosed spaces
- Being in my room and not in the laundry room
- Pounce! Kitty Treats
- Kitty hugs
- Being brushed
- Tummy rubs
- Pooping 16 times a day
- Being my pet
- Being outside
- Being in the laundry room
- Not being with people
- Getting neutered
- The size of his current litter box (it is too small and he pulls the plastic liner off EVERY DAY)
Summary: Ricky MBV Raden is the best cat ever.
Um, I see spaces. I see paragraphs. Why are you trying to waste my time? Is it so I will have fewer minutes to spend destroying your precious reputation?
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