Okay, so I have the #1 best job ever (Flying Colors Tutoring Program Coordinator.) But you all know about that, and so I wanted to let you know about the #2 best job ever.
#2 best place to work: Google

- Lobby Décor - Piano, lava lamps, and live projection of current search queries from around the world.
- Hallway Décor - Bicycles and large rubber exercise balls on the floors, press clippings from around the world posted on bulletin boards everywhere.
- Recreation Facilities - Workout room with weights and rowing machine, locker rooms, washers and dryers, massage room, assorted video games, Foosball, baby grand piano, pool table, ping pong, roller hockey twice a week in the parking lot.
- Google Café - Healthy lunches and dinners for all staff. Stations include "Charlie’s Grill," "Back to Albuquerque," "East Meets West" and "Vegheads." Outdoor seating for sunshine daydreaming.
- Snack Rooms - Bins packed with various cereals, gummi bears, M&Ms, toffee, licorice, cashew nuts, yogurt, carrots, fresh fruit and other snacks. Dozens of different drinks including fresh juice, soda and make-your-own cappuccino.

- Coolest stop on the tour - A three-dimensional rotating image of the world on permanent display on a large flat panel monitor in the office of the engineer who created it. What makes it special is the toggle switch that allows you to view points of light representing real time searches rising from the surface of the globe toward space, color coded by language. Toggle and you can see traffic patterns for the entire Internet. Worth a trip to the second floor.
* taken from google.com/corporate/culture
All the (gourmet) food for employees is free. They have a health center with doctors and nurses on staff all the time. And a childcare facility for your kids. And a hair salon. You can bring your dog to work. You can decorate your desk however you want. You don't have to dress up. You can set your own hours. YOUR LIFE IS AWESOME.
Also, working at Rebound is almost exactly the same. Just a few months ago, Mancub and I shared a Hot'n'Ready pizza on our way to the storage unit and we saw a dog outside.
My brother lives in Albuquerque.
I wrote that last comment after a few glasses of wine.
your blog is boring.
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