Sunday, December 23, 2007

JFC Report

The JFC has come and gone. It was fine. My mom has a JFC hangover (mental/emotional/physical, not alcohol). She occasionally mutters things to me like "The JFC is over" and "Mmm-schmulff-mmsch."

(*JFC = Jobe Family Christmas)

At this year's JFC, the following things happened:

  • I got a GameStop gift card for $25.

  • Molly, my 8-year-old cousin, WHOOPED my brother Derek (age 15) on Wii Bowling.

  • Tucker forced me to hold him for 3 hours.

  • My mom did not get $50 from Grandpa Jobe. (Everyone has for the past like 15 years. Now he has a new hot grandma-wife and she spends all his money. So all the grandkids got $20 and grown-ups got nothing. Poor Lulu.)

  • Kyle had "the flu."

  • I ate 2 sandwich roll things (high-rollers), 3 cream puffs, several potato chips, 149 grapes, a few bites of Caesar salad, and an unbelivably delooshous cookie bar with bits of heaven baked into it.

  • My stomach flab hung over my pants.

  • I played with the children because all the adults were ignoring them.

  • I was the life of the party, as usual.

All in all, a pretty good JFC.

1 comment:

KJW said...

And by "Tucker" you mean "Cranky Curls," right?