Friday, January 18, 2008

Public address to "Fats Domino"

Dear Creepster:

Why do you have to be so creepy? Lately, you have been leaving "comments" on my blog, and they have all been excessively, unnecissarily creepy. If you do not stop, you are going to force me to make it so only other bloggers can leave notes. That would be unfortunate. Do you want to make me have to do something unfortunate?

[Note to other readers - here is an example of Mr. or Mrs. Creepster's comments -

As the last of the rain of light hides for all eternity I gaze upward into the sky of terror. A heinous face looms above this forsaken earth. It speaks in a bellowing voice. The earth trembles with each breath. I crumble to my feet. I fall to my grave.
Thoughts from a Domino.
Crying for help.


Creepster, (as that is how I want to address you, and not as "Fats Domino") please stop leaving creepy comments. You can certainly leave comments in the form of compliments, friendly notes, etc. However, if you continue on the path of creepiness, I will have to take action.

Nicole Kristine


Anonymous said...

great nicole,
maybe i was posting as Fats Domino as a forum to express my poetry and now you have forced me to stop.

Anonymous said...


I run as fast as my wings may take me. FEAR. He is chasing me I cry outloud for help. I feel the sharp blade begin to cut my flesh. I pray to the unknown. I wake it's a dream. I float on a cloud of solitude into a vision of myself. I gaze upon a different face one that not my own.

Scared in a universe of sorrow.

Fats D.

Anonymous said...

seriously, i wish my depressing poetry was that good.

KJW said...

You know what this is reminiscent of? "Fish here! Fish there!"

I'm just saying. Utah Wilderness Trainings have computers, too.

KJW said...

Please blog. I would especially like you to show the world the list you made of reality shows for Jodi's students.