Age: 6 human years... 42 dog years? (Geeze, I didn't realize Tucker was middle-aged)
Home: Puyallup, Washington
Breed: 3/4 ShitZu 1/4 Poodle
Weight: Like 7 pounds
Relationship: My mother's dog / my replacement in her life when I left for college
Comfort Item: Small squeaky frog, deemed "Froggy." Froggy smells like the underside of a dead animal carcus. He has many similar animal toys that also squeak (Ducky, Squirrelly, Beary, Santa Frog) but he doesn't like them as much as he loves Original Froggy. (Note: This is actually a cat toy. No one has told Tucker this.)
Favorite Pastime: Tucker enjoys a variety of activities, but his favorite would be the game "Where's Froggy?" which consists of hiding Froggy under a blanket and squeaking him. Tucker then paws at the blanket until he's tired (usually after about 30 minutes of incessant play) when he will crawl under the blanket, find Froggy, lay down and squeak him in his mouth for awhile. It's a very fun game.
Other Favorite Games:
- "Gimme Dat Frog" (chasing Tucker with Froggy in mouth around the house)
- "I Love Froggy" (holding Froggy tenderly in your hands and squeaking him tantalizingly at Tucker)
- "Fetch Froggy" (just like it sounds)
Occupation: Full-time Neighborhood Patrol. Tucker takes this job very, very, very seriously. If anything goes by the window at all, even if it has gone by the window every day for the past 6 years, Tucker alerts the family through a series of high-pitched, ear-piercing barks. It is very useful. Last time I was home, Tucker alerted me to the fact that one of our neighbors was pulling into his driveway. I wouldn't have realized this essential fact were it not for our Tucker Alert System.
Biggest Pet Peeve: When any other animals get attention of any kind from anyone in the house. Tucker knows that he is the cutest, sweetest, best animal available, and it rightfully bothers him when not everyone is paying attention to this fact.
Most Painful Memory: He actually has 2.
- When Derek dropped him as a puppy. It took him about 5 years to forgive Derek, and is still fairly agitated towards all teenage boys.
- When my mom put him in a tiny red dog t-shirt that said "Little Devil" and he thought he looked quite handsome until Sassy (our other dog) laughed at him. Now he won't wear tiny dog t-shirts.

Personal Qualities:
Snugly (when he wants to be)
Favorite People: My brother's best friend Chris Perez, my grandmother, Monica McLean, me
Food of Choice: Cheese. Tucker loves cheese forever and if you say "Cheese" he will sit by the refrigerator and wait for you to give him some.
Look-Alikes: A Gremlin, The Grinch, a Yeti, occasionally Mickey Mouse (when he gets his ears cut really short)
Poem I wrote in honor of Tucker Jobe This Christmas

I made you laugh with the sparkly clothes. You made me laugh with "Gimme Dat Frog."
We are even.
i love the tucker poem.
That was an excellent blog entry until the horrific poem at the end.
But, I got you something anyway.
Remember who sent this to you.
**These 2 guys reared this lion from a baby in England but the authorities would not allow them to keep it once it reached maturity so they were forced to give it up, they took it back to Africa and placed it in a wildlife sanctuary, a year later they went to see it and were told it would not remember them.
froggy is actually a regal dog toy, because it comes with a squeeker! They do make cat toys that look the same but they have cat nip in them! Please correct your entry or I, Tucker Kingston Jobe, will take you to court for accusing me, a regal Chinese warrior, for playing with a cat toy
I would just like to state that Tucker Jobe will always and forever be in my heart. This dog has been monumental in my growth as a person and human being. I appreciate the blog. But if you ever say anything bad about this amazing animal, yet specimen of god punishment will be dealt appropriatly. P.s. I LOVE KJW.
Oh my gosh, I am so glad I reviewed these comments out of boredom.
I think I know who Anonymous is... smoochie smoochie smoochie....
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