Nicknames: Becca, Beaver, Schnoodle, Fartface
Age: 23
Hometown: Shelton, WA
Current home: Bellingham, WA
Education: BA in Sociology from WWU
Occupation: Full-time (and by full-time I mean like 70 hours a week) Inntern at the Inn Ministries

Once.... Becca dressed up like Mrs Beaver from The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. She wrapped a scarf around her head to be the fur. We didn't realize that she was going to do this. We laughed and laughed and laughed.
Becca Likes:
- Babies
- Chocolate
- Facebook Photo Albums
- Jesus
- Justin Timberlake
- Heartwarming stories
- Baby Blue
Diseases Named After Becca: Becca-rettes. Becca-rettes can be defined as an "uncontrollable outpouring of inappropriate comments or gestures, often sexual in nature." Becca-rettes was given its name after this event:
Several friends were visiting Tommy Lingbloom's house during the summer. During lunch, there were a few different conversations going on simultaneously. Without warning, Becca interrupted herself, turned towards people that were engaged in another conversation and said very loudly and directly, "COW BALLS." All conversations stopped. What? What did Becca say?
Cow balls.
Becca's Skills:
- Singing
- Taking care of people when they are sick
- Taking pictures
- Pretending to be her butt in slow motion
Great Becca Quotes:
- "He'll always be Lil Bow-Wow to me." (re: Lil Bow-Wow changing name to Bow Wow)
- "I like to part my hair down the stairs."
- "He was dating a 5'2-year-old."
- "How much smoke did he pot?"
Fun Fact About Becca: She has a larger than ordinary collection of photos she's taken of herself. She very much enjoys snapping several photos of herself in one session.
And that's Becca. I love you!
Two hilarious things happened at once.
1. I read this.
2. I read a text message from Jodi.
I didn't just alol. I acrackedup. Acrackingup allllll alone in the living room.
I LOVED this post! I don't know Becca that well, but after your post I learned some fun facts about her (exaggerated or no) please do another profile again soon!
under becca's skills you forgot to put "long distance spitting" - she is really the only one i know who has perfected such a sport....
miss you nicole!
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