You will be inspired, warmed, tickled pink, beautified, and stunned. Read on!
The eve was awesome.... but the day (so far) has ruled all. Updates to come.
All in all, a pretty good JFC.
Those are some USEFUL facts! And how about that 590 miles of hair? And what's with the sleeping albatross? Isn't that kind of like drunk driving? Shouldn't someone be keeping the skies a little safer? And I feel like flamingos have got quite an idea going there. That's almost like a fact I learned from Jodi -
Hm. Let's review that....... All the way around the world? Really Jodi?
Hm. Really? Is that what you meant? Thanks, Jodi. I'm glad she cleared that up.
(For those of you that are unsure, the fact that Jodi gave us is, in fact, an unfact. Do not believe it. In humans over 5 years old, your small intestine is approximately 21 ft long.
Circumference of earth: 24,902 miles
Distance from earth to the moon: approximately 238,857 miles
Distance to the moon AND BACK: 477,714 miles
And once again, your small intestine: 21 ft )
* taken from google.com/corporate/culture
All the (gourmet) food for employees is free. They have a health center with doctors and nurses on staff all the time. And a childcare facility for your kids. And a hair salon. You can bring your dog to work. You can decorate your desk however you want. You don't have to dress up. You can set your own hours. YOUR LIFE IS AWESOME.
Also, working at Rebound is almost exactly the same. Just a few months ago, Mancub and I shared a Hot'n'Ready pizza on our way to the storage unit and we saw a dog outside.
Love and friendship to all.
I was all sweaty when I woke up and mad about guns.
Also, when I searched for an image of a gun, this was across the top:
Did you mean: n-2848330477_q-BdxQRHJ7SAiBHlfMgYU9cQAAAA@@?
What? Literally, all I typed in was "gun." Usually is like if I typed in "Raden" they might say "Did you mean radeon?" or something that is a recognizable word. Is that code searched very often?
I am at work early today and that means that I win for best employee.
Oh my gosh, I have not yet mentioned on my blog that I am an Americorps VISTA. It's pretty much the most important fact about my life. I need an American Flag up in here: Excellent. Every time Lynn or I see a flag, we salute. We have to. I mean, no one told us we have to, but we just kind of know it's one of the unspoken rules. So we frequently salute, because there are a lot of American flags in America.
I thank everyone for the incredibly positive feedback I've been getting about my blog. I mean, I expected compliments, obviously, but the response has been even more overwhelmingly joyful than I had anticipated. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Wow. Look at that face. The amount of joy shown on that face is exactly proportional to the amount of joy I feel whenever I walk into a surprise party that someone has thrown for me. Also, whenever I open a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos.
I have eleven minutes left at work, and I am eating the crumbs from a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos Lynn left for Mancub and I (Mancub is my boss) and writing in my blog.
Shouldn't you be working? someone might ask
Uh, hello. No. You don't have to actually work for the last 15 minutes of work. Here are the times you don't have to work:
1) The first 30 minutes of the day.
2) Whenever you have to go to the bathroom, and the 3-4 minutes before and after (when you talk to your co-workers on your way to and from).
3) During your lunch break (approx. 30 minutes) as well as sthe 15 minutes before lunch and the 15 minutes after
4) When someone sends you a funny e-card, or email (approx. 15 minutes: 0-1 to download, 2-3 to read to yourself, 5-7 to recruit co-workers to watch it with you, 4-5 to discuss it after watching it)
5) When Mancub brings pictures of himself as a college kid into work for everyone's enjoyment (Then you are laughing too hard to work.)
6) When you are eating Cool Ranch Doritos (or any other snack, for that matter)
7) When you are tired
8) When you don't want to
9) When you are blogging
10) The last 15 minutes of the day
See? Right now, since #6, #8 AND #10 are all true, there is no way that I should have to work. Excellent. It's too bad not everyone knows these rules. See? That's why my blog is so important for everyone to read.
Ah, changing the world, one post at a time.
Thank you.