Thursday, February 28, 2008

To Do List

  1. Take out garbage
  2. Figure out which of my contacts is inside out
  3. Switch work computers
  4. Commit a crime that benefits me (like stealing from Best Buy or a bank) and frame Kelly effectively
  5. Refill water bottle
  6. Call mom
  7. Vacuum bedroom
  8. Call Lynn and only speak in rhyming phrases
  9. Figure out when KyKy the Clown is coming to town (example of rhyming I could use with Lynn)
  10. Save up to buy a boat
  11. Perform my daily chant to Ra, the Egyptian god of the mid-day sun
  12. Mail Sam's birthday present
  13. Go to Australia
  14. Mail Kyle's birthday present
  15. Go to Bible Study
  16. Buy a rifle
  17. Learn 7 interesting facts
  18. Design Sharon's new "LadyCub" graffiti tag

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I personally like number 6